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Quick Hits: 4/12

We’re Going to Make Your White-Out Bleed Red– Our SBN brethren over at the un-aptly named “Five for Howling” decided it would be cute to write a memo to the Coyote Fans on how to treat the fans of Detroit…since you know, they’re not exactly the most knowledgeable/loyal fans.  This is my response.

Doubting Us?  Well, Stand By To STFU– The Chief over at Abel to Yzerman is back and he came out swinging.  This blistering post is chalk full of all of our favorite Chief-isms including Denver/Rosby bashing.  Make sure you get on over there, read the post, and thank everyone’s favorite Navy Officer for doing his duty for our freedom.

Oh It’s Like Christmas Morning– Little Jess from over at Bingo Bango gives us her take on the recent ‘Yote smack talking.  She also shares with us her personal experience with a Phoenix fan in the ladies room…no, Ben Rothlesberger was not involved and we couldn’t prove it even if he was.

The March to 12: Finally the Hockey Juju is on Our Side– Captnorris5 not only is giving Hockeytown USA a run for its money in the longest post title category, but he also provides us with one of the coolest/freakiest graphics that I’ve seen in a long time.  Check it out, the numbers game he plays will simply blow your mind.

Our Ode to the Play-offs – The guys over at Eight Legged Freaks (watch out for rattlesnakes) snub the rest of our smack talking and analysis and share with you with what the play-offs mean to them.  Sure, it may sound corny, but it’s a good read, so check it out.

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