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They Just Don’t Get it in Phoenix – Another “anti-Wings fans” campaign was launched today.  But rather than just post about it, I decided to take the fight to them with pretty typical results.  Phoenix fans citing everything except hockey-related material to try and defend their team.

All Aboard…Dater’s Picking The Wings– The Chief over at A2Y notes that Denver blogger, Adrian Dater is actually picking the Red Wings to win the Cup this year. But the Chief sees through those shenanigans like grandma’s underpants.

Oh, Well Now I’m Convinced– Bingo Bango Jessie provides us with an inside perspective as a Red Wings Fan and Detroit native displaced in Arizona.  Needless to say – she doesn’t buy into the whole “root for the team that’s closest to where you live” thing suggested by the Arizona writer mentioned above.

A Look Back at Our Pointless Predictions– The boys at The Triple Deke take you down memory lane through some of the best stuff that they ever stole from NOHS.  Okay, I’m kidding about the stealing part…but we did have eerily similair game day posts at one point.

(Last) Week in Review– Cody from Wings Win, Eh? takes us through the final week of the regular season (as the title might suggest).    He breaks down the stats and even asks for some reader input so get on over there and give ’em some feedback.

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